Gig Journal: Friday 14th March 2014 – University of Cambridge

March 20, 2014

Today’s blog comes to you live (almost) from Cambridge University!

Yes, Like The Beatles have gone all brainy and that (for today at least) to perform at Girton College (one of 29 undergraduate colleges at Cambridge, fact fans!) for their Spring Ball.

The place is gradually filling with food concession stands, beer tents and pretty lights. There’s even a full size Helter Skelter being constructed… that might dictate at least one song in our set!

Its always fun sharing the bill with other bands – the scene in the hotel lobby in Spinal Tap is painfully true. Everyone gets on, but the unspoken competition is fierce!

It’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon right now. We’re waiting to sound check and then we wait until 2am for our curtain call.

Still, lots of time for us to sit around, so we need to keep active. Plus, performing in one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world, it’s important to make the most of it.

We left our game of Jenga in the van, which I think we’re going to regret later. We love a game of Jenga… Instead, we’ve had a wrestling match, played a game of Off Ground Touch and been busking Beatles tunes in a courtyard that looks a bit like something out of Harry Potter.

Only 4 more bands to sound check before it’s our turn… where’s that sorting hat? Hope I’m chosen for Hufflepuff!
